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Monday, July 29, 2019

Suffering From Plantar Fasciitis

It wasn't long ago that, while exercising, I experienced a painful tear in my left foot. The pain was sharp and radiated at my heel. In all fairness, it was torture and nearly brought me to my knees.

My workout ended immediately and, after a day of elevation, icing and no improvement, I knew something was seriously wrong. There was no doubt, especially when the pain was even worse upon rising the next morning.

I guess I'm one of the lucky few who didn't ignore the discomfort and pamper my foot in ignorance for weeks. No, I went straight to the doctor. I also had a side motivation - a preplanned trip to Europe less than a week away.

I was thankful to discover there were treatment options other than surgery and was game to undertake anything needed to recover my mobility. However, it wasn't as easy as I'd hoped.

Preventing Plantar Fasciitis
The first step to healthy feet is taking care of them. And I thought I was doing a good job at that - okay, well at least adequate. Yet all it took was one squat without my sneakers to protect my arches and (Wham!) a tear in my plantar fascia.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?
It sounds like some horrible deformity of the foot and yet, except for some inflammation, you'd never know the foot was in chronic pain. With Plantar Fasciitis the damage is done on the tender yet flexible inside tissue that connects the toes and the heel. This is the reason most people who experience heel pain are at great risk of facing long bouts with Plantar Fasciitis, because they don't take it seriously enough. After all, you can't see anything.

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?
  1. Non-supportive Shoes. If you're wearing a shoe that's old and has worn areas on the heels or soles, that's a good sign problems are imminent.
  2. No Shoes. Like me. I just decided a bit of exercise in bare feet wouldn't hurt me and yet one time was all it took. Whether exercising or walking barefoot on hard surfaces, the risk is the same.
  3. Weight Gain. Even natural weight gain as experienced during pregnancy can trigger fallen arches or added stress to the plantar fascia. And I had put a few extra pounds on over the winter.
  4. Overuse. Some athletes who repeat the same movements or overuse their feet are exposed to issues that can become Plantar Fasciitis. In addition, those who stand in place on a hard surface or perform repetitive motions on the job are at a high risk of developing Plantar Fasciitis.
  5. High Heels and Flip-Flops. Both of these types of shoes are fine in moderation. However, extensive use over time can tighten calf muscles (high heels) or lead to fallen arches (flip-flops).
  6. Being 50 And Over. After 50, the feet and heels can show more wear and tear, and can become dry and brittle which allows the plantar fascia to be damaged.
  7. Dehydration. Over 78% of Americans are lacking sufficient water to hydrate muscles and tissue in the body. This leads to damage.
How Will I Know If I'm Suffering From Plantar Fasciitis?
  1. If you experience sharp pain upon getting out of bed in the morning and if it slowly decreases as you move around (as the muscles warm up).
  2. If you experience redness or swelling or warmth radiating from arch of the foot or inside edge of the heel.
  3. If when you walk it feels like there is a pebble in your shoe pressing against your heel.
The moment your feet experience discomfort, it's important to seek professional, medical help. Suffering through Plantar Fasciitis pain can lead to a chronic condition that will worsen over time.

How Is Plantar Fasciitis Treated?
  1. Rest
  2. Ice
  3. Massage (with ice on the arch of the foot)
  4. Soak in cold water or iced bath
  5. Supportive inserts, night splints and/or heel pads
  6. Physical therapy
  7. Stretching and strengthening exercises morning and night
  8. Over the counter drugs such as Advil, Tylenol or Aleve to reduce inflammation and relieve pain
  9. Steroid shot (temporary relief and only in severe cases)
  10. Electric current
  11. Surgery (rare)
It's no picnic to suffer from Plantar Fasciitis. Taking care of your feet is the first step in prevention and recovery from Plantar Fasciitis.

Prevent Plantar Fasciitis Now
  1. Stretch before exercise.
  2. Wear supporting, correctly fitting shoes.
  3. Ice your feet after a workout if sore.
  4. Pamper your feet with a massage at least once a week.
You can prevent Plantar Fasciitis and you can treat it before it becomes a chronic condition. Stay proactive and always seek medical advice when in doubt.
I can now happily say that my feet are on track for having no heel pain and my mobility has returned. While I always took them for granted before, today I care for my feet like never before because I know just how much inconvenience and suffering comes with Plantar Fasciitis.

Interested in hearing more? Discover the *secrets* to putting out the fire in your feet far faster than you could ever imagine. There are techniques... and tools... that can help. But how do you know which work and which don't? Simple, start here

Get back to living the life you want. Walk, dance, run like you used to. Turn "Plantar Fasciitis" into two words you can barely even remember...
Take action right now. Click that link above and let us provide the Plantar Fasciitis Support you so sorely need

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