Monday, July 29, 2019

Plantar Fasciitis, An Overview of Signs and Treatment

Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain in adults in the United States. Also, plantar fasciitis can lead to a much more serious condition called a heel spur, where the front and bottom of the heel have an extra bone growth, which leads to serious pain while walking. Many people can confuse these two because they are so closely related. Plantar fasciitis can especially lead the heel spurs, but not the other way around. The only way to determine if you have a heel spur, is through an x-ray or some sort of imaging technique that a doctor would use.

There are many causes of plantar fasciitis, and they can bring about the condition rather quickly and seriously. The most common symptoms are pain, trouble walking, trouble standing, and extreme pain during the first couple steps in the morning.

The most common causes of plantar fasciitis are: sudden increases in weight, such as being pregnant, sudden increases in activity which requires standing, shoes with inadequate support, over pronation while walking, or starting a new athletic activities such as running distance or cycling. Almost all the symptoms are related to being on your feet more than normal, and your body not being able to adjust to this new type of activity quickly enough. The ligament, or plantar fascia is forced to support the entire weight of the body while walking or standing. Is because it does not have a large enough blood flow that when doing these activities, tears and cuts in this ligament create inflammation, this is what leads to the pain while walking. It is the accumulation of these little tears over time which causes plantar fasciitis to become such a serious condition.

There are many treatment options for plantar fasciitis. One of the most common treatment is through using the RICE system. This includes rest, ice, compression, elevation. This is used by many athletes and physical therapist to treat a wide variety of symptoms. Plantar fasciitis is no different, in that these techniques can dramatically improve symptoms of plantar fasciitis and reduce a lot of the pain associated with the condition. There other treatment options if this proves to be not enough, such as orthopedic inserts, night splints, and a wide range of products including massage products and rollers. Most people find they can treat plantar fascia is at home using these conventional therapies

Almost 90% of all patients who have plantar fasciitis, are able to treat within one year of starting a treatment regimen or stretches. Most people, though they cannot treat within one week, will find a complete recovery after about a month or 30 days. This is a very quick treatment time, considering the plantar fascia such a vital part of the human body, and in supporting all the weight of the body throughout the day while standing or doing any physical activity.

If you have planted fasciitis, talk to your doctor immediately to find out treatment methods and what would work best for you. Only a doctor can tell you it is a more serious condition, or of anything else is required other than just a basic treatment plan.

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